Have you ever just felt like everything was going perfectly
in life. Your friends were awesome. You enjoyed going to work. You felt useful
in what you were doing. You felt close to your family and friends. You felt
good mentally, physically and emotionally. Sure, you had your every now and
again bad days…. But for the most part, everything just seemed like it was
going so right.
Now in this time, have you ever stopped to just think and
thank God for putting all of your obstacles by the way side for at least this
short period of time. Thanking him for showing you that, yes there is a better
way out there. Thanking him for loving you unconditionally. Thank him for being
indescribable. Just to truly sit down and Thank God for everything. Just for
one day, not to ask him for things… but to honestly sit down and just commend
God on everything he has done for you.
I know for me (and yes I am slightly ashamed to mention
this), when things are going great…. When my vision isn’t diminishing more than
normal, when my life just seems to be going amazing, that I often forget to
Thank God for that. Often times, I remember to continue to ask him for things,
like “Oh Lord, please just continue to let things be the way they have been. My
life is so perfect right now, for the first time in MONTHS… please God, just
show me the way to keep it this way.”…… Do you see what’s wrong with that statement??
The entire thing was full of I want’s and I needs…. All questions of things I
am asking for from God. But yet I have yet to do anything for him.
I know in any kind of relationship, you can try and try to
be the person that person wants you to be…. But when you don’t get any reciprocation,
a lot of times you want to just turn away and cut your losses. The amazing
thing about God is that, he will NEVER turn away. He will NEVER cut his losses.
So, be sure to THANK him for that. Thank him for always being there for you, thank
Him for letting you have an amazing few weeks, thank him for creating the situations
that you have been in, and thank him for showing you what to say and do in
those instances.
You see, a lot of people think that God is a demanding
person. He wants you to do all of these things… He wants us to be faithful, merciful,
graceful, forgiving, dependent on Him alone… and the list goes on. But in all
reality… God is the MOST selfless person around. He is the one who created
everything you see around you. Everything that He was, and Is, and Is to come….
Is indescribable. He wants us to know that no matter what, we will always be
loved, cherished and cared for. Even when we feel let down, even when we are
feeling out of place, even when we are feeling great and feel like everything
around us is in perfect place….
Always, always, always remember….
That God is the one who put it there. Whatever situation you
are in…. know, that He put it there for a reason. So today…. stop asking for
things…. And instead Thank him for everything situation and every person he has
put in your path. Today I challenge you, to take time to just purely Thank God
for the specific things in your life. I did this for the first time a few days
ago, and have continued to do it every day since, and I feel like I have a new
look on many things.
To Be continued…….