Mouse Juice.... Aka.... Chemo

Before I get my chemo I always get labs drawn, nothing new for me. I remember when they were trying to diagnose me. I went to the lab, and they drew 16 vials of blood. Yep... a whole 16 vials. Even being a nurse, when someone comes at you with 16 vials to be drawn...... you get a little concerned about how much will be left. Rest assured..... I survived.
But this time when I went to get my pre-chemo labs drawn, They drew 3 vials. Only 3! Like whoa.... I have graduated down to only 3! This is what they do every time now, but it hit me that I had went front 16 to 3.... huge change in the right direction.
So this time, my nurse and I decided it may just be better to knock me out during the whole thing, and that way I would just sleep through it. So.... that was what we did! Benedryl.... lots of benedryl..... got me through my treatment reaction free this time! Which was great!!!!
So I'm trying to look on the positive side of things........ from 16 to 3 vials of blood....... and a reaction free treatment under my belt. Woot Woot!
Still recovering from the treatment, but this is all normal for me. Getting another one in 10 days, so fingers crossed it goes the same way! :)
I like this one, yes down to 3 vials, cheering you on too and feel better soon, post mouse juice.